
About this project and its author.

About Techesium

At Techesium, our primary goal is to provide high-quality tutorials and reviews for small businesses and bloggers. We try to write easy-to-understand, step-by-step detailed tutorials for non-techy beginners and advanced users. All content we write is based on our in-depth research or our own experience: we try to meet the expectations of our visitors. We think anyone can create engaging websites with the right tools and knowledge.

About the Author

My name is Rimantas Jurgelevičius, and I’m the founder and owner of Techesium. I am a self-taught computer enthusiast, web developer, and designer, constantly interested in new technologies.

Here is a list of what I use to create websites: PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Traefik, Nginx, Apache, MySQL/MariaDB, Redis, Docker, Ansible.

Linux distributions I’m familiar with: CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu.

The main reason why I created this website is to provide step-by-step tutorials on how to create a WordPress website using today’s modern technologies, and no matter who you are – a total beginner or an advanced user. You can find a lot of tutorials that are scattered around the internet. However, they can be outdated or inaccurate, and gathering well-written content can be a time-consuming and challenging experience. Nevertheless, creating a modern website shouldn’t be a difficult task, and this project aims to solve all the possible difficulties you may encounter.

If you have any questions about me or this website, you can contact me directly by email at [email protected], or you can fill in and submit your request using the contact form.

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